I am pleased and excited to announce Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™, which I have co-created with Florian Mueck.
Florian and I have a passion for good public speaking. Yet we know that for many people, the mere thought of it can get their hearts pounding. So we set out to create a game that would help players improve their public speaking skills and have fun in the process. The result is Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™.

We have designed RHETORIC to be a simple, engaging and educational board game for four to eight people. Players step onto the stage and embark on a rhetorical journey during which they encounter different speech tasks.
In each round, players roll the die and move their figures to the corresponding space where a one-minute speaking task awaits them.
The four speaking tasks
Topic – Players draw a card with a single word on it. They must speak about the topic.
Challenge – Players draw a card that has a challenging question or instruction. Challenges will stretch your comfort zone!
Question – Any player can ask the speaker a spontaneous question on any topic.
Reflection – Players must share an insight or anecdote about public speaking with their fellow players. For example, they could share a personal public speaking experience, or suggest a presentation tip, or talk about a speaker whom they admire and why.
You can play the game competitively or non-competitively. If the former, each player receives a rating sheet. Throughout the game, everyone rates the speeches given by their fellow players. Players are thus competitors and judges at the same time.
Here’s the trailer for the game.
The first, limited edition of RHETORIC will be available to the public in the fall of 2012. For updates and more information, please visit the RHETORIC website.
When we pretested the game, Florian and I were overwhelmed with the positive response. We know that RHETORIC will help you improve your public speaking skills and that you will have a lot of fun in the process.
Rhetoric – The Public Speaking Game™. Learning, laughter and applause are guaranteed!
This first edition of RHETORIC is now sold out. The second edition of the board game is available, as is the app for RHETORIC which will allow you to play the game in different languages. For more details, check out this post.
Such a fabulous idea that I wish I’d thought of it! Will see if I can get my TM club to get this…looks fun!
Thanks, Akash. It has been a lot of work to get it to this stage, and the game has evolved significantly, but we have had a lot of fun bringing it together. And I know that I am biased, but it really is good fun to play!
This is a wonderful tool! I have already incorporated your concept in my lesson plan. Additionally, I am coaching a group of students who are required to present their research material for a conference at UC Berkeley. They must also engage in a 5-minute Q & A session in order to defend their research. Thank you very much for sharing!
Thanks for the comment, Mark. Best of luck to you and your students.
Looks terrific – congratulations on a big and worthwhile job. I’ll try it out with my students, but John, you need to correct the typo in the post title (!)
Thank you very much, Claire! You know, sometimes you can proofread until the cows come home and something like that still slips through! Typo corrected.
John, I’m intrigued by this project! I would love to know more about the game, in particular how it might be used in a class or workshop setting for undergraduates. I am working on some ideas on how to incorporate more leadership and personal development topics into the curricula of the Bachelor programs at Frankfurt School and this looks like a pretty good fit. Please keep me posted.
This is an AMAZING concept John! I would love to have this game and will try to talk to my fellow Toastmasters as well. Good luck on your project!
Thank you, Faisal. I very much appreciate your support, as always.
Thanks, Matthias. When we pretested the game, it took about 1:45 to play with six people. Now, that was in a social setting with drinks after a nice dinner. The atmosphere was very relaxed and we played competitively, which adds a bit of time. However, the time and game play could be adjusted for a classroom exercise. We are hopeful that RHETORIC will find a home in schools and businesses as well as in the home. Watch for developments on our Facebook page.
Congratulations! This is great. What an awesome way to engage a group of trainers, employees, speakers, students, etc.
Many thanks, Sheri! Much appreciated!
Congratulations John. Looking forward to everyone here in Canada playing it. Maybe I can be your sales rep. over here???
Absolutely, Mom! You’re the best sales rep. around!
Hi John,
That sounds exciting. What a great idea to get people to get up and speak. I am looking forward to playing a round with you. How about before or after one of the upcoming conferences?
Best wishes,
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for the comment. I look forward to playing a round with you as well.
I am very excited to try this game. What is the age range for Rhetoric. I could definitely see even younger enjoying this game. Even in kindergarten children give little mini speeches with 3 or 4 sentences. Certainly children from 6-12yrs old would benefit from this game. Especially if some the topics were a little silly. So when I get the adult version, I’ll be waiting for the 2nd edition to be a kids version:)
Well done guys!
Thanks very much, Cathy. Based on the structure of the game and the questions on the cards, we estimated the ideal age range for the game as 14 or over. However, we very much believe that the game could be adapted for a younger audience and are working on that as well.
Thank you for the support!
What a great idea. Sounds fun and educational – can’t wait to see it in action!
Thank you, Michael. We are very excited about it and looking forward to seeing the final product ourselves!
I am so excited for this game! I am a speech/debate coach…and a public speaking teacher…this game might become a staple in my classroom, as well as at my home. When will it be available?
Thank you, Bethany. We appreciate the support. We are currently in production and hope to have our first limited run by the end of next month. There is a waiting list for those interested on our Facebook page and I see that you have signed up. Thanks again for the support!
Hi John … the game sounds incredible! I’m a personal branding coach, and public speaking is always a skill needed in communicating your unique promise of value!
Is there a way I can order it online? I doubt you guys ship to Lebanon, but I’m hoping you do ship to France!
Hi John,
Thanks for the message and the interest in the game. I will contact you by email concerning shipping possibilites.
All the best,
John I am intrigued by your game, can I order one with you?
Robert Wolfe
Storytelling coach
And I love the way you wrote up the Al Pacino ‘Any Given Sunday’ speech.
Hi Robert. Many thanks for the message. Yes, you can order a game from me. I will contact you by email in the next day or two with the details.
Many thanks, Robert. It’s a great speech.
Hi John. I am intrigued by your game too. Could I order one with you?
Hi Ewa. The first edition of the game sold out. We are in the process of updating it for the second edition. We hope that it will be available in the fall. When it is, you can certainly get a copy. We will post all of the details about how to order the game on http://www.rhetoricgame.com.
Many thanks for your interest.
Hello, I am a devoted Toastmaster and I also study Allgemeine Rhetorik in Germany.
Could you please ship me the game to Czech Republic, heart of Europe?
Hi Dan. I can certainly ship the game to you in the Czech Republic. If you would please send us an email at rhetoricgame@gmail.com, and include your full shipping address, we will get back to you with details about payment and shipment.
Thanks for your interest.
just playing it now, I like it.
I did notice that the game isnt being maintained though last update 3-4 years ago
Hi Ram,
Glad you are enjoying the game. In fact, we regularly do all necessary tech updates. However, we have not added a new theme or language in a while. We are in discussions with a few people to bring in a few new languages. Is there any language or theme that you would like to see?