When it comes to being on the cutting edge of cinema … I’m not your guy. Case in point: Slum Dog Millionaire was the first movie in perhaps 20 years that my wife and I saw in the theatre before it won the Academy Award for best picture.
Still, I do enjoy a good film every now and then. My taste is fairly eclectic, including everything from Hollywood blockbusters such as Avatar (which I did see – in 3D) or The Terminator (of course!) to more subtle European fare such as Il Postino or Les Choristes.

And I have just heard of a new documentary film that has got me pretty excited – for obvious reasons if you are reading this blog. It is called “Speak”. Here is an excerpt about the film from Tumbleweed Entertainment, the production company:
“Speak” is a documentary exploring the fear of public speaking and the ways people seek to overcome it. Specifically, “Speak” will follow several members of Toastmasters International, an organization dedicated to improving public speaking and leadership skills. …
“Speak” will chronicle the journey of several individuals on the club, or local, level who are taking on their fear of public speaking. Most are hoping Toastmasters will help give them the skills they need in order to accomplish the goals and dreams they set out to achieve in their personal and professional lives. Some of those who conquer their fear, however, decide to take on bigger challenges, like competitive speaking.
A documentary film about Toastmasters is long overdue. I am proud to be a member of the organization. It has helped millions of people around the world improve their public speaking and leadership skills. Toastmasters contests help members to “push the envelope” and take their speaking to a whole new level.
Yes, contests are challenging; yes they are nerve-wracking; but they draw thousands of participants year in and year out. Why? David Brooks, the 1990 World Champion of Public Speaking, put it best. He said that “speech contests are your fastest route to your greatest improvement”.
Update: Since writing this post, Speak has become available. You can watch it below.
Dear John,
Have just formed a club in the south of Spain and we are enjoying great progress, so quickly! Love your site and thank you for the Public Speaker’s Checklist which I have printed off for all our members.
Best wishes,
Dear Angela,
Thank you for the message and kind words about the blog. Glad that you find the checklist useful and glad that you have shared it with others. Big congratulations on your new club. That’s always very exciting. I just returned from Milan where I spoke this past weekend to a great group of people who are enthusiastic about Toastmasters and who have already formed three or four clubs. The next step for them is to form an official Area and then try to join one of the Divisions in District 59.
Best of luck with it. I hope to see you and your fellow members at a TM conference soon.