It’s too damn much!
Microsoft created Word and PowerPoint for a reason. A Word document and a PowerPoint presentation are not the same thing. They serve two different purposes! And yet, every day, I see people making their slides as packed and dense as any report or standard operating procedures. It’s a bad practice. You force the audience to […]
Don’t let me catch you doing this!
If I ever find out that you are using one of the three final slides in the infographic—in any language—then, to paraphrase Liam Neeson, “I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill … your slide presentation.” Your audience can certainly benefit from well designed slides. For example, an aerial photo […]
PowerPoint is not soap!
I was recently in Canada and stayed with my brother and his family in Toronto. In the shower, there was a bottle of this Irish Spring soap. How convenient: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash and 24-hour deodorizer all in one! I mean, the next step in the product’s evolution should be to have it […]
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 348) – David Byrne
“Powerpoint presentations are a kind of theater, a kind of augmented stand-up. Too often it’s a boring and tedious genre, and audiences are subjected to the bad as well as the good.” David Byrne Photo courtesy of Ralph_PH
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 346) – Edward Tufte
“There are many true statements about complex topics that are too long to fit on a PowerPoint slide.” Edward Tufte Photo courtesy of Aaron Fulkerson
A lesson from Munich: You know more than you think you do
I had the good fortune to work with three dynamic individuals who have founded an exciting company in Munich, Germany. Among other things, I helped them with a three-minute pitch for funding from the European Union. While rehearsing for the pitch, they learned an important lesson, as I explain in the one-minute video below. The […]
5 tips to save your batteries (and your presentation)
Slide presentations are a staple of the business world. Every day, there are millions of PowerPoint, Keynote other slide presentations around the world. By some counts, the figure is 30 million each day! If you are going to use to a slide presentation, use a remote to advance your slides. I discuss the reasons why, […]
"Duck and Cover" won't help
In the years following World War 2, the threat of nuclear war hung over the world. As the United States and its allies faced the Soviet Union and its allies, a Third World War was a distinct possibility. Given the looming threat, in the 1950s, the American Government produced a civil defence film entitled Duck and […]
Three ways to rethink your title slide
Your title slide occupies prime real estate in your slide deck. It is the gateway to your presentation. You can either spend time thinking how to use it to maximum advantage or miss an opportunity to grab you audience’s attention from the start. Titles slides often contain such details as the date of the presentation, the […]
Tagged James BondKeynotePowerPointPresentationpublic speakingtitle slides