5 tips to save your batteries (and your presentation)
Slide presentations are a staple of the business world. Every day, there are millions of PowerPoint, Keynote other slide presentations around the world. By some counts, the figure is 30 million each day! If you are going to use to a slide presentation, use a remote to advance your slides. I discuss the reasons why, […]
6 tips for handling a remote when presenting
If you use slides in your presentations, whether PowerPoint, Keynote or some other software, you must become comfortable using a remote to advance those slides. The alternatives are not great: 1. Standing by the computer the entire presentation and advancing the slides using the keyboard. 2. Walking back and forth between the computer and the […]
Product Review: Logitech Spotlight Remote
Slides are a staple of most presentations. And if you use slides, you should use a good remote to go through them. I recommend the Logitech Spotlight. I have been using the Spotlight for the past couple of months and am now able to share my opinion with you. There’s a lot to like and […]
Tagged Logitechpresentation tipspresentationsSpotlight