Last night, my wife, two daughters and I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Somehow, none of us had seen it before and it was great to have a family night at the movies in our own home. I enjoyed the film much more than I thought I would.
The unique storyline is wonderful and the performances of Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett are terrific. But what I liked most is that the movie is very thought-provoking. It moves you to contemplate life, death and your place on this earth between the two. It makes you think about, and perhaps appreciate a bit more, the people who, in some way or another, have entered your life or crossed your path.
There is one scene in particular that I found very moving. In it, Pitt’s daughter (now an adult) discovers a letter from her father, Benjamin Button, in which he tries to give her some advice about how to live her life. Here it is:
That scene speaks to me on a number of levels. And as I was trying to come up with an appropriate New Year’s Eve message for readers of this blog on public speaking, I realized that it also echoes my wish for you and your public speaking in the year to come.
What I hope
- It’s never too late to be the kind of speaker that you want to be. There’s no time limit; you can start whenever you want.
- You can change or stay the same. It’s up to you.
- You can make the best or the worst of each speaking opportunity. I hope you make the best of it.
- I hope you say things that startle your audience. In a constructive way.
- I hope that your speeches and presentations make you and your audiences feel things you never felt before. (Again, in a good way!)
- I hope that you meet people with a different point of view. I hope that you learn how to handle disagreement on your feet in a respectful but firm manner. I hope you learn something from those with a different point of view.
- I hope that you give speeches and presentations of which you are proud. And if you’re not, I hope that you have the strength to figure out where you went wrong and to do better the next time.
My sincere wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Productive New Year.
Dear John,
Many thanks for your great post! A bit late I also wish you and your family a great year 2011! I feel really lucky that in 2010 life gave me the opportunity to meet great and inspiring people. You are one of them!
Best wishes.
Thanks very much for the kind words, Gaëlle. It was a pleasure meeting you too. All the best for a great 2011.