10 Lessons from Jim Carrey for Public Speakers

I recently came across the six-minute film, Jim Carrey: I Needed Color. It is a beautifully shot and wonderfully told story about Jim Carrey’s fascination with art, particularly painting. The movie shows a side of Carrey with which many people may not be familiar, a side that contrasts starkly with his stand-up personality and with […]
Be an Original, not a Fake: Lessons from the World of Art

There are important insights into authenticity from an expert in the art world. Philip Mould’s are also relevant for many aspects of our daily lives, including public speaking. Here are some questions that speakers should ask themselves that parallel Mould’s observations.
Quotes for Public Speakers (No. 91) – Pablo Picasso

“Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.” Pablo Picasso
Tagged ArtPablo PicassoPicassopublic speakingPublic Speaking Quotationsquotationssimplicity