Acronyms can seriously suck
Never discount the importance of simplicity in a presentation. One way to simplify is to eliminate jargon. One way to eliminate jargon is making sure that the audience understands any acronyms in the presentation. These days, acronyms are everywhere. Here is one list of business and finance acronyms. Some of them (CEO – Chief Executive Officer; B2B – Business-to-Business; YTD […]
8 secrets for a presentation that makes an impact
Creating impactful presentations does not have to be difficult. In fact, with a little thought and effort, it is easier than you might think. My friend and presentation design expert, Timo Sorri, has created a slide deck that is featured on SlideShare. Timo asked me and seven other speaking professionals from around the world for one […]
How to deal with mobile devices when you are on stage
Let’s be honest. There have been times when you checked your smartphone while sitting in the audience during a presentation. Maybe you were waiting for a message; maybe you were checking up on an important matter; maybe you just wanted to check the time. But you’ve done it. I know I have. It happens all the time. […]
The airport approach to public speaking
I am sitting in the Geneva airport as I write this post. I am on my way to Barcelona for a great week of teaching and learning with my good friends and fellow public speakers, Conor Neill, Florian Mueck, Tobias Rodrigues and Tony Anagor. Today, as always when I travel by plane, I arrived at the […]
A Groundhog Day Public Speaking Lesson
For those of you unfamiliar with Groundhog Day, it is a quirky little celebration observed in Canada and the United States on the 2nd of February. According to legend, if the groundhog, such as the one in the picture above, wakes up and does not see his shadow, spring will come early that year. However, […]
How to Design a Presentation like Apple
Emily Stewart recently brought my attention to a short animated video that she and her team produced for OnlineMBA that illustrates some of the key values that Steve Jobs and his team espoused when designing products for Apple. The video is clever and is similar in style to the popular animated videos by RSA Animate. It is […]
12 Public Speaking Lessons from "Comedian"
I just finished watching, for the second time, Comedian, a terrific documentary about the efforts of Jerry Seinfeld to get back into stand-up comedy after a decade of starring in one of the most successful sitcoms of all time, Seinfeld.The documentary follows Jerry over a period of several months as he works to develop material […]
A Day in the Internet
In the past, I have written articles stressing the importance of making data meaningful for our audiences. Drawing inspiration from such sources as Carl Sagan and the Long Island Initiative, I have tried to show examples of why it is important to put statistics into context. As Chip and Dan Heath emphasize in Made to […]
Podium vs. Lectern
The podium and the lectern. We hear these two terms all the time when it comes to public speaking. What is the difference between these two mainstays of public speaking? And when speakers refer to them, are they referring to them correctly? A podium (pl. podiums or podia) is the raised platform on which the speaker […]
Tagged lecternPodiumpresentationspublic speakingself-development